1. 2000/09 – 2004/07: 兰州大学,学士
2. 2004/09 – 2006/07: 兰州大学,硕士
3. 2006/08 – 2011/08: 犹他大学,博士
1. 2018/12 – 迄今: 中山大学大气科学学院,教授
2. 2018/06 – 2018/12: 科罗拉多州立大学,研究员III级
3. 2015/05 – 2018/05:科罗拉多州立大学,研究员II级
4. 2013/04 – 2015/04:科罗拉多州立大学, 博士后
5. 2011/08 – 2013/03:美国宇航局-马里兰地球联合研究中心,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“我国中尺度对流系统的气候特征及其对降水和灾害天气变化的贡献与影响机制”,2020-2023,63万元,主持。
2. 美国宇航局, Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics,“Use Space-based Lightning Observations to Improve Satellite Rainfall Estimation and Global Lightning Parameterizations” ,2017-2018, 40万美元 ,主持
3. 美国国家自然科学基金, DYNAMO 项目,“Analysis of Convection in DYNAMO” ,2017-2018, 67万美元,共同主持
1.Zhang, W., S. A. Rutledge, W. Xu, 2019: Inner-core lightning outbreaks and convective evolution in Super Typhoon Haiyan (2013), Atmos. Res., 219, 123-139.
2.Xu, W., S. A. Rutledge, 2018: Convective Variability associated with the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation in the South China Sea Region. J. Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0091, 31, 7363-7383.
3.Guo, J., H. Liu, Z. Li, D. Rosenfeld, M. Jiang, W. Xu, and Coauthors, 2018: Aerosol-induced changes in the vertical structure of precipitation: A perspective of TRMM precipitation radar. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 13329–13343.
4.Li, X., M. A. Janiga, S. Wang, W.-K. Tao, A. Rowe, W. Xu, and coauthors, 2018: Evolution of Precipitation Structure During November DYNAMO MJO Event:Cloud-Resolving Model Inter-comparison and Cross-Validation using Radar Observations.J. Geophy. Res., 123, 3530-3555.
5.Xu, W., S. A. Rutledge, W. Zhang, 2017: Relationships between Total Lightning, Deep Convection, and Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change. J. Geophy. Res., 122, 7047-7063, (AGU’s Editor-highlighted article).
6.Stolz, D. C, S. A. Rutledge, W. Xu, J. R. Pierce, 2017: Interactions between the MJO, aerosols, and convection over the central Indian Ocean. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 353-374.
7.Bellenger, H., R. Wilson, J.L. Davison, J.P. Duvel, W. Xu, F. Lott, and M. Katsumata, 2017: Tropospheric Turbulence over the Tropical Open Ocean: Role of Gravity Waves. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 1249–1271.
8.Xu, W., and S. A. Rutledge, 2016: Time Scales of Shallow-to-Deep Convective Transition associated with the Onset of Madden-Julian Oscillation. Geophy. Res. Lett., 43, 2880-2888.
9.Xu, W., S. A. Rutledge, C. Schumacher, and M. Katsumata, 2015: Evolution, Properties, and Spatial Variabilityof MJO Convection near and off the Equator during DYNAMO.J. Atmos. Sci.,72, 4126-4147.
10.Chen X., K. Zhao, M. Xue, B. Zhou, X. Huang, and W. Xu, 2015: Radar Observed Diurnal Cycle and Propagation of Convection over the Pearl River Delta during Mei-Yu Season. J. Geophy. Res., 120, 12557–12575.
11.Xu, W., and E. J., Zipser, 2015: Convective Intensity, Vertical Precipitation Structures, and Microphysics of Two Contrasting Convective Regimes during the 2008 TiMREX. J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022927.
12.Xu, W., and S. A. Rutledge, 2015: Morphology, Intensity, and Rainfall Production of MJO Convection: Observations from DYNAMO Shipborne Radar and TRMM. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 623-640.