1.2010/09 – 2015/01,澳门大学,工商管理学院旅游管理系,博士,导师:刘晓明
2.2007/09 – 2010/06,华南理工大学,经济与贸易学院旅游管理系,硕士,导师:张俐俐
3.2001/09 – 2005/06,海南大学,旅游学院旅游管理系,本科
1. 2017/06-至今,华南师范大学,旅游管理学院会展经济与管理系,教授
2. 2015/01-2017/04,佛罗里达州立大学,Dedman School of Hospitality,博士后,合作导师:Woo Gon Kim
1. 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2019年度课题《基于全链追踪、平台联动、情感互动机制的企业智能化营销体系建构——以粤港澳大湾区为例》,2019年12月—2022年12月,项目批准号GD19CGL31.
2. 文化和旅游部科技教育司2019年度课题《新时代文旅整合背景下旅游人才培养模式创新研究》,2019年10月—2020年10月.
1. Li, J., Li, J.(J) ., Xie, X.R., Cai, X.M., Huang, J., Tian, X.M., & Zhu, H. (2020). Game consumption and the 2019 novel coronavirus. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30063-3. (Co-first Author; Indexed in SCI; IF = 27.516; Published by Elsevier).
2. Li, J.(J)., Bonn, M., & Kim, J.H. (2020). A latent class segmentation analysis of gamblers in a gambling destination. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2020.100433. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.800; Published by Elsevier).
3. Haldorai, K., Kim, W.G., Chang, H.S., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Workplace spirituality as a mediator between ethical climate and workplace deviant behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 86, 1‒11. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.465; Published by Elsevier).
4. Cho, M.H., Bonn, M., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Examining Risk-Reduction Behavior Toward Water Quality Among Restaurant Guests. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/1938965520919106. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 2.492; Published by Sage).
5. Li, J.(J) ., Bonn, M., & Ye, H.B. (2019). Hotel Employee’s Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Awareness and its Impact on Turnover Intention: the Moderating Roles of Perceived Organizational Support and Competitive Psychological Climate. Tourism Management, 73(4), 172‒181. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.012; Published by Elsevier).
6. Li, J.(J) ., & Kim, J.H. (2019). A Cross-level Analysis of Management Commitment and Work Ability among Senior Casino Dealers in Macau. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(5), 2095‒2113. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.957; Published by Emerald).
7. Youn, H.W., Yin, R., Kim, J.H., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Examining Traditional Restaurant Diners’ Intention: An Application of the VBN Theory. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102360. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.465; Published by Elsevier).
8. Cho, M.H., Bonn, M., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Differences in perceptions about food delivery apps between single-person and multi-person households. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 108‒116. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.465; Published by Elsevier).
9. Li, J.(J) ., Kim, W.G.,& Choi, H.M. (2019). Effectiveness of social media marketing on enhancing performance: Evidence from a casual-dining restaurant setting. Tourism Economics. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816619867807. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 1.098; Published by Sage).
10. Li, J.(J)., Liu, X.M, & Ali, F. (2018). Work-related attitudes and behaviors: empirical evidence from a casino destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 175‒183. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.800; Published by Elsevier).